Breakfast for a Grandparent


The Grandparents House (Granparan Kay in Creole) is an elderly housing program established by the Jerusalem Baptist Church (JBC) many years ago to help provide for elderly who had no family and no means of support. In past years, FFL has been involved to a limited extent but more recently we are working to develop a more robust program to help these “elder orphans” with their daily needs. 

The Grandparents House is home to 10 seniors who don’t have family to care for them. We provide two meals a day for each resident prepared by a cook who ensures everyone is eating. Your gift of $20 helps feed one grandparent for a week.

Tags: holiday


This catalog represents a few of the ways you can make a difference in the lives of our friends in Fort Liberte, Haiti. It's more than just a collection of donation items - it's a picture of hope for the future of Haiti. When you donate towards the items in this catalog you are showing your love for the people of Fort Liberte.

If your donation is a gift you can download a Christmas card here

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