"The people say THANK YOU!"

Last Friday, July 5th, we received word from Pastor Dasnis Pierre:

"We are feeding people. We fed people at Dumas, Jericho, and Piedor (outposts). We fed board members, captains, musicians, deacons, and the poor of the church; the clinic and farm staff, and we will feed the translators, too."

That was done with the first $10,000.00 we received almost immediately after we made the dire food price situation known. Since then, over $12,000.00 more has been received, and that will be sent this week for a second distribution. Pastor Dasnis said, "That will be perfect. People are desperate. The people say thank you!" 

The board of the Friends of Fort Liberté is overwhelmed by your generous response. We are an organization primarily focused on longer-term projects, revolving around the sponsorship of education, healthcare, clean water, and farming. The faithful, month by month contributions you make are vital for the support of the good work of our sister church in Haiti, which has grown steadily during decades of partnership. We believe that is the best way we can help the poor.

But sometimes- God lays it on our hearts to respond to an urgent cry for help and relief. This time, thanks to you and your compassionate and fast response, we were able to say "Yes". 

It is a double blessing. 

"This service you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord's peoplebut is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God.  II Corinthians 9:12

Thank you so much for your donations, and please continue to keep our friends in Fort Liberte in your prayers! 

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