
The work of the Friends of Fort Liberte was started by an architect, and so building is always close to our heart. Taking groups to Haiti to work on construction projects is a big part of who we are. The first project was the construction of the Jerusalem Baptist Church, started in 1975. Projects throughout the years have included the construction of the primary and secondary sections of the Eben Ezer School, a Professional school for girls, the Eben-Ezer Clinic, the Eben Ezer farmhouse, outpost churches, and houses. After the earthquake of 2010, the old orphanage building was demolished and a brand new earthquake proof building was constructed. In 2018 the orphans transitioned to community homes (Kinship Care), and that strong new building was repurposed as a school for the younger Eben Ezer elementary kids. 

In the immediate future, building plans include expansion of the current Clinic to improve the lab and pharmacy, and to build an infirmary where several ill patients can rest while they are monitored. In the distant future- well, just talk to Pastor Dasnis for a few minutes. He is a man with a big vision for his church, his people and his town. We'll be coming alongside to partner for a very long time. There is no shortage of ideas, dreams and very real needs.

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