
In an ongoing effort to expand the Eben-Ezer Farm, we are seeking your help. The farm staff has
explained to us the vital importance of needing more water to increase crop production. There is a need
to increase water flow in two wells and drill an additional well. Additional water pumps and solar panels
are needed. Our goal is to fill the local market with fresh, nutritious produce and assist the Jerusalem
Baptist Church congregation with life sustaining food. If you would like to help feed the poorest of the
poor, your contribution will make an important difference.

With many hands, the load is lighter.

Tags: farm, what-we-do, feed


A long time dream is being realized with the development of a farm on land donated to the church many years ago. First came the education of a farmer, Celius St. Fleur, who graduated from Limbe in 2007 with a degree in Agronomy. In 2009, a farmhouse was completed by visiting work teams, and the land began  producing a little food. Then came a Farm Committee, headed up by the determined Suzie Legg. What has followed seems almost a miracle- wells drilled, abundant water found underneath the dry ground, drip irrigation kits donated one at a time, solar panels, pumps, a successful chicken project, livestock, expansion- and now a bunkhouse for the farmhands. Every dime donated to the Farm Project is put to amazing use, providing what is needed most in Haiti- jobs and food.

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