Donations, small and large, fund the programs of the Friends of Ft. Liberte. Our Financial Committee (Annette Crislip, Malissa Smith and Terry Hayes) handle the deposits that are received through online donations and to our mailbox in South Charleston, W.Va.
The Friends of Fort Liberte is a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization, registered with the IRS since 1993. Contributions are tax deductible and tax statement letters are mailed to donors each January.
A certified bank wire is sent monthly to the Jerusalem Baptist Church in Ft. Liberte, Haiti for distribution among the programs we help sponsor. Our Board of Directors meets quarterly during the year to review program needs and financial records, and is responsible for the proper distribution of funds. The Board of Directors handle the operations of the organization, and are all volunteers, so no contributions are used to pay staff. Trip leaders are also volunteers, and every person who goes to Haiti on work missions raises their own funds and pays their way. Groups also raise funds for the projects they undertake while in Haiti. We have had to bear ever increasing costs of doing business, estimate still estimate that only 3% to 5% of all contributions are used for operational costs, and most of those costs are covered from donations designated "as needed" or from gifts given specifically for administration. An independent accountant reconciles all of bank accounts and provides financial reports. We also obtain an independent audit of our financial records yearly and operate in compliance with standard accounting recommendations.
West Virginia residents may obtain a summary of the registration and financial documents from the Secretary of State, State Capitol, Charleston, WV 25305. Registration does not imply endorsement.